Solar Eclipse Birthday in the Smokies, 2024
Welcome and thanks for checking out my website. I’m not sure how you found yourself here but welcome to this little labor of love I call my adventure travel website. But really it’s become much more than that. This is my personal website and platform where I can share my wide and varied passions and experiences with y’all. What once was just a way to share photos with family, has now become a resource that I hope proves useful to you the reader, or even better inspires you. I have built this website to combine my passions of travel, culture, the environment, sustainability, and connection with nature. But if I had to give you an elevator pitch I would say I am a
writer & video blogger focusing on
+Adventure travel
+human-powered travel
+solo female travel
+budget travel
> low-impact sustainable living
> Environmental & Social Justice
Life Philosophy = Lifestyle
“Yet all experience is an arch
Gleams that untraveled world
whose margin fades
Forever and forever when I
How dull it is to pause, to
make an end,
To rust unburnished, not to
shine in use!
As though to breathe were life!”
I recently deleted a novella-length story explaining my life philosophy/lifestyle. I felt it was too much and unnecessary. So here’s the cliff notes version.
I view my life as a radical alternative to western society’s traditional lifestyle.
I reject what society deems worthy and successful and have instead decided to forge my own path, which I am making up as I go. I have sacrificed stability and security for a life of uncertainty and risk, which I translate into freedom with a side of fear and overwhelming anxiety.
I am only able to live this life because of my privilege. I am able to make the choice not to work full-time in order to follow my passions because of my privilege. And I hope that with this privilege I can empower other women and inspire others to get outdoors, travel, and establish a relationship with nature, however that may look for them.
I don’t make a lot of money and live extremely frugally. This choice supports my beliefs and values of living lightly on this planet rather than an all-consuming, materialistic lifestyle.
I feel most true to myself when I identify as a struggling writer/artist. I consider myself an idea generator and visionary who has many passions and my hands in many different pots.
I am a work in progress.
Education: The University of Alabama-International Management, Environmental Studies, Italian (NCAA Division I Women’s Rowing Team); Northern Arizona University -Master of Arts in Sustainable Communities (Thesis- Relationship with Nature and Environmental Behavior: A Case Study of Arizona National Scenic Trail Thru-Hikers)
6000+ miles hiked
2500+ miles rowed
1500+ miles biked
Adventures: 2011 Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike; 2013 Suwannee River Kayak with dad; 2014 Arizona Trail Section Bike; 2015 Katmai NP Packraft Expedition; 2015 Paria Canyon Flash Flood; 2015 Natchez Trace Thru-Bike; 2016 Long Trail Thru-Hike; 2017 Camino Frances Thru-Hike; 2018 Annapurna Circuit Thru-Hike; 2018 Mississippi River Source to Sea Row; 2019 Camino Portugues Section Hike with mom; 2019 Netherlands/Belgium Bikepack; 2020 Pinhoti Trail Thru-Hike; 2021 Benton MacKaye Trail; 2022 Arizona Trail Thru-Hike; 2022 Great Alleghany Passage/C&O Bike; 2023 Hayduke Hike
Seasonal Work: Cedar Point; Bear Viewing Company in Alaska (2010-2013); Ski Resorts in Oregon, Arizona, and Colorado; graduate assistant; Earthship Biotecture Intern & Volunteer; Appalachian Trail Ridgerunner (2016 & 2021, 2022); Forest Service visitor information assistant (Red Card certified, Fire Lookout sub); Production Assistant for ESPN at the US Open in NYC (2018, 2019, 2021-2023); Census Enumerator; and so much more!
Countries Visited: 24
Although most of my trips and adventures are taken solo I always have the support from my family for which I am eternally grateful. I come from a family of professional photographers which has definitely shaped how I’ve gone about documenting my life.
I am in the process of writing a book of short stories that highlight the random experiences I have accumulated over the years. I have also published articles about adventures on theTrek.co., in the Alabama Living magazine (portfolio & press page), as well as audio recorded pieces that have been aired on my local NPR station. In 2023 I was a guest on Backpacker Radio podcast which can be found here.
Just as I tell everyone I become friends with, my ultimate goal in life is to live an environmentally low-impact, intentional lifestyle growing my own food and building an off-grid home. I hope to also continue traveling around the world meeting people and learning about other cultures, challenging myself both physically and mentally, helping others, giving more than I receive, and practicing gratitude.

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