Bogotá, Colombia
Back before I had a travel blog I went to visit a friend in Colombia, way back in 2010. My friend was spending the year in Colombia teaching English as a Fulbright Scholar. It was a no-brainer that I would go visit.
Although my friend was living in Ibagué she came to meet me in Colombia’s capital Bogotá where I spent the first few days.
Here’s some pictures from that time.
Teleférico de Monserrate
Foggy view of the city from Monserrate at 10,341ft (3,152m)
Plaza Bolívar
Plaza Bolívar
Plaza Bolívar
We went to nearby Parque Nacional Natural Chingaza for the day. I remember that once we got there after a bus and taxi ride there was some confusion over fees and we ended up having a guide accompany us and take us up to see the 3 sacred lakes. I wasn’t used to the elevation and I am surprised even now to look back and see that the elevation was almost 11,000ft. I don’t think I realized it at the time since the elevation was in meters, but that was definitely the highest I had ever been before, at that time.
The next day we checked out a big indoor market and then took a four hour bus ride to Ibagué.
I spent most of my time in Ibagué.